Jun 30, 2022
In this episode, Amy Rowlinson shares her Reflections with Actions from these recent podcast episodes:
281 Start with Yourself with Abigail Langridge
282 Serve Your Purpose with Sue Richardson
283 Professional Relationships with Andy Lopata
284 The Genius Maker with Lysette Offley
285 Forgive Your Past with Maria...
Jun 28, 2022
What is the meaning of our human existence? Why do you exist? Experiencing physical and verbal abuse from her mother and told that she should not exist, Maria Guimaraes mastered the art of becoming invisible as a child masking all the pain, suffering and abuse. Fighting to exist all her life, Maria then found her...
Jun 21, 2022
Do you wish to let go of procrastination, imposter syndrome, anxiety or perfectionism? On a mission to help more women into the Professional Services Industry and to support those already there by addressing exam and confidence challenges, Lysette Offley recognises that success often comes at a cost. Lysette’s work...
Jun 14, 2022
In today’s business world, connection is vital yet on its own connecting is not enough. It’s one step in the process of building genuine relationships with others. Known as ‘one of Europe’s leading business networking strategists’ by the Financial Times and ‘a true master of networking’ by the Independent...
Jun 7, 2022
Grabbing a book out of her mother’s hands and teaching herself to read at the age of three, Sue Richardson began her lifelong love affair for books. Captivated by the magic, Sue has built her business around her love for books and has created a world which enables others to expand their worlds. Helping authors to...